Battle of Bosworth tour of the vineyards and cellar door by Tigger
A gentle tour of the vineyards and cellar door with our winery dog Tigger. Nice and peaceful, without Joch lecturing us, plenty of birdsong and a lovely soundtrack.
Organics the Battle of Bosworth Way
Organic viticulture and winemaking the Battle of Bosworth way, straight from the horse’s mouth.
A short history of Battle of Bosworth Wines
Joch and I have been making some footage of the vineyards and our organic story this year. This snippet focuses a bit on how we both ended up in this glorious corner of McLaren Vale.
Battle of Bosworth Wines 25 years
Celebrating 25 years of organic vineyards at Battle of Bosworth with some lovely visuals. Well done Bozzie, what commitment. First organic wines from the first certified vineyards in the region.
Battle Of Bosworth : Spring Seed Wines
Another cameo for Joch in Eat Stay and Play. Note the theme in Joch’s uniform… Hard Yakka, loyal friend.
Fabulous Online Wine Club August 2015
Tasting notes for our 2015 Battle of Bosworth ‘Puritan’ Shiraz and the 2015 Spring Seed Wine co ‘Four o’clock’ Chardonnay through the creative prism of Jane Thomson from the Fabulous Ladies Wine Society. She shows us how it’s done!